
Meet Karolina Kugelmann

For how long have you been employed and what is your role within the company?
– I started to work here in januari 2014. I suspected that this question would come so I had to check it on my Facebook page before the interview! I started as a production engineer and since six months back I now work with project management instead.

How do you look at the future here at AC Floby?
– I see a very bright future, but it involves a lot of work to get where we want to be. There will be great challenges, in human resources, logistics and plant area. An exciting future awaits clearly!

AC Flobys core values consist of “Committed, Knowledgeable, Proud and Brave”. What do you think contributes to the strong company culture?
– It is “Floby spirit” which means that we are proud to manufacture products for major vehicle brands. We are an important part of the stage for there to be cars and trucks, which we are proud of. We are incredibly knowledgeable in order to deliver these premium products. We are brave because we have managed all the changes that have been in recent years, and because we dare to develop.

How is it to work on AC Floby?
– It is motivating, there is a lot of knowledge in the plant and last but not least great co-workers. I go to work with joy. The consequence of our expansion makes us more crowded and sometimes it becomes difficult to work without being interrupted. I get a lot of questions beacuse everybody wants a quick answer, and if I can help, I’ll absolutley do that, but I think I have to try to set a limit. It’s not always easy to set a limit when you want to be as helpful as you can at everybody.

What characterizes you as a person?
– Happy, helpful and humble. I often ask and find out facts to find a solution to various problems that one can encounter in everyday. I see myself as a “doer” and a problem solver.

Coworker Karolina showing the core values

Karolina with the core values