
AC Floby is nominated to the prestigious Golden Arrow price (Guldpilen), awarded annually to organizations who is working actively for a sustainable workplace.

The prize is instituted by the occupational health service company Avonova, who every year, searches all over Sweden after the organizations that put its work environment into the first room by working systematically and preventively. The nominated companies should also understand the importance of that a healthy workplace is generating productivity and efficiency.

We are very proud and pleased over the nomination and the publicity throughout Sweden for our active and preventive job for a good health and work environment. A lot of dedicated employees have worked in the Floby plant for many years, and this has resulted in very low staff turnover and sick leave beacuse they always set a good example for the new employees, says Catarina Källgren, Director of HR- & WE at AC Floby.

Tobias Larsson, President of the Local Union Club, says that the working life balance is an important core issue for us at AC Floby. The thing that characterizes us is our health promotion activities that are appreciated and well used by the employees.

Automotive Components Floby one of the fifteen finalists who have the chance to win.
The winners of the Golden Arrow will be presented during an event in Almedalen on July 5, 2018.

For more information, read further on Guldpilen.se

“Guldpilen – Swedens most sustainable organization”



